Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Storybook Favorites

 "She's Just That Into You""She's Just That Into You

    I am a sucker for romantic comedies and just romance in general, so this story is right up my alley. The introduction does a great job at pulling you in. It is enticing because it gives the familiar trope of wedding bells. There has to be conflict and as with many romance stories it revolves around love versus tradition. In this story Shiva has that coveted love at first sight interaction. She worries that because her father has set such an impossible standard for her future husband that no man will be able to achieve it let alone the man of her dreams. To her surprise her dream guy proves himself and they get to live happily ever after. Definitely my favorite type of ending.

"Yama's Hair Salon"Yama's Hair Salon

    The introduction on the website really got my attention. It hit the nostalgia of the Percy Jackson novels I read as a child, a mix of mythology and current day. I especially appreciate that this story takes place at a hair salon which I have always valued as a sacred place and a place of gossip. Kaikeyi is the main character in this epic. She reminds me of many women you might run into at the hair salon or over hear talking in one. She is a gossip that wants the best for herself and has little regards or regrets when it comes to achieving that. She has faced some hardship in her life but makes sure to mention it so others feel pity for her and she can make excuses for her wrongdoings.

"Total Silence or Gossip Central" The Daily Beast

"Spring Flowers"Spring Flowers

    The introduction in this story is very enticing and leaves the reader wanting more. Sita it appears to be trapped for some reason. It appears she has a captor and is missing her love. Persephone appears and they bond over how she was once captured by a man who is now her husband. I love the crossover into greek mythology and think both of these women's stories leave the reader hungry for answers.

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

my favorite place

The Bookstore.

"Books" Pixinio 

    The bookstore is one of the only places in the world that can put me totally at peace. It doesn't matter what kind of day I am having as soon as I walk in and smell the fresh paper my mood improves. I think this feeling stems a lot from childhood. With all of the chaos and unknowns surrounding me my constant was books. I definitely am a better person for the characters I met and the places I visited in the imaginary worlds books provided for me.


I used to have a blog in grade school so the nostalgia is real.


xoxo, maddbook

Week 15, Story The Turtle Who Won the Forfeit

  The Ox Who Won the Forfeit , Ellen C. Babbitt The Turtle Who Won the Forfeit Once upon a time there was a very fast turtle. He was so fast...