Tuesday, January 26, 2021

my favorite place

The Bookstore.

"Books" Pixinio 

    The bookstore is one of the only places in the world that can put me totally at peace. It doesn't matter what kind of day I am having as soon as I walk in and smell the fresh paper my mood improves. I think this feeling stems a lot from childhood. With all of the chaos and unknowns surrounding me my constant was books. I definitely am a better person for the characters I met and the places I visited in the imaginary worlds books provided for me.


  1. Ohhhhhhhhhhh, Maddie, YES YES YES. You may have guessed already that I am a total bookworm also. And, to my peril, I have discovered the joys of buying used books online from AbeBooks. I can even buy books from India that way! Last semester, the class contributed stories to make a book that is actually published at Amazon and everything, and I hope people will want to do that this semester: making a book is a seriously fun feeling! Here's the book: Tiny Tales from Fall 2020

  2. Hi Maddie! I too enjoyed being in bookstores as a kid, and I really hope kids these days feel the same way, but I am not sure if they visit bookstores as much when E-readers and technology have become super common. I think they will lose out on a great experience if they don't spend some time in bookstores in person. Personally, I spent a lot of time in Half-Price Books, so those didn't always smell "fresh" as you mentioned, but I also visited Barnes and Noble frequently and those books were all nice and new!


Week 15, Story The Turtle Who Won the Forfeit

  The Ox Who Won the Forfeit , Ellen C. Babbitt The Turtle Who Won the Forfeit Once upon a time there was a very fast turtle. He was so fast...