Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Week 8 progress

 1) I'm okay with my progress so far, I am not thrilled with it by any means. At the beginning of the semester I was worried I would have to drop this class because I was having such a hard time getting things done but lately I have been doing a much better job completing assignments. I am using some of the extra credit assignments, but I should probably do a few more. I feel like my blog is pretty well developed but my website could use some work.

2) For the second half of the semester I would really like to do enough extra credit and complete enough assignments to have an A in the class.

I'm graduating

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Week 15, Story The Turtle Who Won the Forfeit

  The Ox Who Won the Forfeit , Ellen C. Babbitt The Turtle Who Won the Forfeit Once upon a time there was a very fast turtle. He was so fast...