Thursday, April 15, 2021

Reading Notes Part B, The Banyan Deer

The Banyan Deer, Ellen C. Babbitt

 There is a Gold Deer

He was the king of 500 deer

There were also monkey deer who had a king

That king liked killing and eating deer

The King always had townspeople come with him

and the other townspeople didn't like that because while they were gone no one did their work

the king wouldn't kill the deer kings though

the deer were being injured at high rates

so each day they started picking a deer to be slaughtered

One day a mother deer lost and it was her turn to be killed

The banyan deer king felt so bad he took her place

When the king came to hunt and saw the golden deer laying with his head on the block he was confusxed because he granted this deer his lofe

The banyan deer explained why he was there and the king thought it was so nice he decided to not kill any deer ever again

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Week 15, Story The Turtle Who Won the Forfeit

  The Ox Who Won the Forfeit , Ellen C. Babbitt The Turtle Who Won the Forfeit Once upon a time there was a very fast turtle. He was so fast...